Annual Trunk or Treat event to again aid youth sports

Back again . . . Last year’s Trunk or Treat paid for 10 scholarships so local children could play their desired sport, despite financial difficulties. PHOTO: OFFICE FILES

Witches, spooks and ghouls will be kept in check again in Fairlie this Halloween.

Trunk or Treat organiser Erin Thomson said the event had been running for three years and as the town’s token American, Mrs Thomson had been placed in charge.

She said before the event had been established, houses around Fairlie participating in Halloween celebrations would be mapped out and children would use it to make their way about town trick-or-treating.

It had been important to her to keep the children in a safely contained area, and ‘‘not knocking on the wrong doors’’.

She said participating in the Trunk or Treat event was simple.

You simply decorated your car boot in a theme and offered a fun game or activity for children to play, before offering a treat.

She said a gold coin and nonperishable food donation upon entry allowed the event to fill the local food bank while also paying for scholarships for local children.

She said the money went to the Youth Recreation Fund which gave $50 scholarships to local children who would otherwise miss out on their desired sport or recreational activity due to financial difficulties.

While those scholarships were for ‘‘anything or any sport’’, last year’s event paid for 10 scholarships, which were used for swimming, rugby and netball.

She said there would be a bouncy castle and a food truck that would provide a familyfriendly menu.

The event will be held at the Fairlie Village Green on Saturday, October 28 from 4pm to 7pm.