Timaru comes up roses this weekend with a packed programme of entertainment, market stalls, workshops and wearable arts.
The town will host the 22nd Timaru Festival of Roses on Saturday and Sunday, and a focus this year is on ensuring it is a family-friendly event.
For adults, key guests include gardening guru Lynda Hallinan and singer-songwriter Jackie Bristow.
Saturday’s programme has a focus on the festival’s namesake flower, with a rose show from 1.30pm to 5pm in the Caroline Bay Hall, featuring roses on display and for sale.
Ms Hallinan will present a ‘‘Making memories and growing traditions’’ workshop in the Caroline Bay Community Lounge at 1pm, and will also MC the evening’s entertainment of a fashion show featuring entries from the revamped ‘‘Hats off to Roses’’ hat design competition, which includes live entertainment from singerguitarist Amanda Luxton and a presentation from artist Sarah Thomas who has won wearable arts awards.
Sunday’s main event is the market day on Caroline Bay from 10am to 4.30pm.
There will be a variety of stalls and entertainment from a range of musicians, including vibrant new young Timaru band ACE, award-winning singer songwriters The Songsmiths, and acoustic cover band Soundscape.
The main act is Jackie Bristow, singing with Gary Verberne. Bristow’s songs have been featured in film and television shows including Euphoria and Young Sheldon and she has toured worldwide, opening for the likes of Bonnie Raitt, Chris Isaak and Foreigner.
Organiser Chris Thomas said there was a family-friendly focus with the market day also including a free children’s playing area offering a range of traditional outdoor games and other activities, including storytellers Natural Magic Pirates from Christchurch.
Floral artists will run a free ‘‘class with glass’’ workshop on the Sunday, and people going to watch the Santa Parade are encouraged to drop by.