Opihi College is making money while the sun shines, with its newly installed solar panels.
With a 92kW solar power system installed, the school will prevent 13 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere each year.
Principal Tony Robson said regardless of the weather, the panels would still be producing electricity.
Mr Robson said they had chosen to install the panels not just to save the school money, but because they had a duty of care to their pupils.
Instead of teaching about climate change and then doing nothing about it, they wanted to ‘‘walk the walk instead of talking the talk’’.
He said the system could also be used as a teaching tool, allowing them to learn first›hand about alternative energy sources.
A display panel in the school’s reception area showed how much electricity the panels had provided.
He said it was a huge investment for the school, and because it was not ‘‘hugely funded’’, it was having to fundraise for the panels.
While the committee had looked at many options, Mr Robson said they all could appreciate ‘‘in this current climate’’ it was difficult for families to donate larger sums of money.
So instead of doing one big fundraiser, they will be holding small fundraisers, starting with order forms for Fix and Fogg peanut butter and Coupland’s pies.
Mr Robson encouraged the community to reach out if they would like support the school with any future fundraisers.