Team’s debut a success

Celebrating . . . The Timaru Kyokushin Karate team of (from left) Miglia Shicker, 15, Soraya Hunt, 15, Constantine Hunt, 15 and Maximilian Hunt, 18, with senpai Bob Drummond, celebrate their success at the nationals. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

Timaru took top honours at its first tilt at the New Zealand Kyokushin Karate nationals.

Timaru Kyokushin Karate senpai Bob Drummond took a team to the Napier event on Saturday, joining nearly 180 other students — mostly from the North Island, but including a small contingent from Australia.

Drummond took over the dojo in October.

He said it was the first time the team had competed at this level.

‘‘If you win at this, you are the best in the country.’’

With one of the four aged 18, the team had to compete in the senior section, and won the team kata competition.

‘‘For their first time, they won first place. It’s a fantastic result — I’m really stoked.

‘‘They make me look good, but they do all the work.’’

Team member Miglia Shicker also placed second in the individual kata for 15-17-year-olds.

Efforts rewarded . . . Miglia Shicker took second place in the individual kata for 15-17-year-olds.

Drummond said he hoped to take the team back to the national event next year, but in the meantime, students were preparing for the northern zone tournament in the North Island in November.

‘‘I don’t think the enormity of what we have achieved has sunk in. It’s going to take a wee while. But I’m hoping their success that will inspire others in the dojo.’’