The final push is on to complete the Fraser Park upgrade, with July 20 now marked for the official opening day.
During the past month much progress has been made, from the pavilion kitchen and offices to the entrance and corporate sponsorship panels.
The long-awaited hybrid turf has been laid. Along with some South Canterbury Rugby volunteers, North Island based company Field Turf New Zealand finally got in last week and began laying the artificial grass mats.

South Canterbury Rugby chief executive Tim Hyde-Smith said after an unforeseen delay it was great to finally see the field itself taking shape.
‘‘The water pressure from town wasn’t enough to do the irrigation, so they had to get three new tanks and a pumping system put in place.
‘‘That was a bit of a hiccup that delayed things for about two to three weeks.
‘‘The excitement is building. It’s been massive getting the grass in.’’

Project redevelopment manager Phillipa Guerin was blown away by how much of a difference having the turf in made.
‘‘It really gives you the true picture of what it is going to look like.
‘‘I didn’t think it would look so green and dense — I thought for a start it might look a bit patchy.
‘‘It really is pretty awesome for little old Timaru.’’

The number of jobs left to do was rapidly shrinking, Mr Hyde-Smith said.
‘‘It’s just tidying up round the outside and the perimeter and importantly getting in roading and access parking.
‘‘We’re still working on [field] number two which should be completed two or three months down the track but without the Rooney Group’s great generosity and help it probably wouldn’t be done until next year.
‘‘Hopefully we will also have the code of compliance signoff for the building in the next week or so and then move in by the end of the month.’’

Mrs Guerin said they were also pushing for a last little bit of fundraising.
‘‘We’ve got $257,000 left to go. If we can knock that off it would be absolutely fantastic.’’
The idea was to have everything ready to go for the July 20 opening which would begin at 9am with an official opening ceremony, followed by a multitude of little league sports opportunities for children across various sporting codes.
It is then hoped the South Canterbury rugby club finals can be played at 1pm and 2.45pm.

Mr Hyde-Smith said the opening would still take place on July 20 even if things, for whatever reason, were not fully completed.
‘‘We just wouldn’t be able to have the club games but we’d still have all the community groups involved and give the kids a chance to have a run around.’’
Anyone still wishing to support the project can do so at fraserpark.co.nz