The chance to catch a salmon lured 71 children and their families to Loch Cameron on Saturday.
Central South Island Fish & Game’s annual Kids Salmon Fishing Day drew children aged between 4 and 11 from far and wide, who gave salmon fishing a go in a relaxed and encouraging environment.
Event co-ordinator Nikki Dellaway said the event was a great success, despite the windy conditions.
She said there was a great catch rate this year with at least 75 salmon landed during the event.
‘‘A massive thank you goes out to Mt Cook Alpine Salmon, the major supporter of the event.
‘‘Their generosity is what makes the day possible,’’ Miss Dellaway said.
As part of Mt Cook Alpine Salmon’s philosophy of giving back to the community, more than 250 salmon were donated for the event.

Spot prizes were donated by Shaw’s Hardware, Southern Alps Outdoors, Meridian Energy and Kilwell Sports, meaning all the children went home with a fishing-related prize such as a fishing rod or lure.
A free sausage sizzle ensured that every child had lunch, whether they caught a fish or not, thanks to donations by Chopped Butchery, Twizel Four Square and Meridian Energy.
Miss Dellaway said there were still many salmon available in Loch Cameron to all sports fishing licence holders.
‘‘We encourage you to take a child or junior angler out fishing to Loch Cameron over the next few weeks while this opportunity lasts,’’ Miss Dellaway said.
Only child licence holders, aged 11 and under, can fish with bait at Loch Cameron.
Junior anglers aged between 12 and 17 and adult anglers are restricted to fly and spin methods only.
The daily bag limit is two salmon and two trout.
Saturday also marked high country opening day for highcountry lakes and rivers.
Fish & Game rangers were out and about in Twizel, Lake Alexandrina and Ashburton Lakes areas and reported that despite strong norwest winds, resilient anglers were rewarded with good catch rates for the most part, with Lake Alexandrina proving challenging.
The Upper Ahuriri River remains closed until the first Saturday in December (December 7).