Community house gets a new ticker

Time is marching on again at Community House in Timaru.

The clock atop the Strathallan St building since 2008 stopped ticking last year, and after a few unsuccessful attempts to get it going again, the decision was made to replace it.

Community Trust of Mid and South Canterbury chief executive Liz Shea said the original clock was a joint project between the community trust and the Timaru Suburban Lions Club, to commemorate its 50th anniversary.

The clock was one of only two functioning ‘‘town’’ clocks remaining, the other being on the Timaru District Council building, she said.

Mrs Shea said while most people might check a wristwatch or their phone for the time, she had often seen people looking at the clock, and had even received a letter some years ago from someone complaining it was running slow.

With help from a Timaru District Council heritage grant, and Auckland-based company Timeworx, the new clock is now in place. It features LED lighting to be visible at night, and automatically changes time for daylight saving.